Online Magazin für Kultur & Politik

online magazine for culture & politics



Autorinnen / Autoren

The ZITIG closes as of April 8, 2009; the enormous expenditure of time can't be financed in these precarious times.

Since 1999 (including the vorrunner since 1997) the ZITIG has published articles, photographs, art, podcasts etc. in various sections such as culture, art, literature, politics and science. Alone from middle of 2007 til today the contributions cover over 3.500 pages; the audio podcasts amount to 230 productions. Now, after more then ten years, termination ends the ZITIG project.

The contributive work, the co-opration by so many authors, was deeply appreciated. Thanks to all those who have joined in. The list of contributors is impressive (see for yourself).

Many reactions and responses praised our work and its high quality. Thanks to all our interested readers.

The statistics for the first quarter of 2009:

Time period Visiters Pages Hits
Januar 09 4628 24283 86766
Februar 09 5173 19924 72693
März 09 5631 31547 112591
Gesamt 15.432 75.754 272.050

The favoured photo series will be continued in the pages of GLEICHGEWICHT ( where one finds also contributions in the areas of education, communication, intercultural competence as well as cultural exchange.

The weekly column "Das Wort zum Sonntag" is regularily published by; there one finds also book reviews in the section "Rezensionen".

A selection of literary texts such as "Dutch Touch" or reviews one gets from Driesch Publishing (

With best regards

Dr. Haimo L. Handl
publisher & editor in chief